A Queen was born on October Happy Birthday to me Unisex Standard T-Shirt
Unisex Standard T-Shirt / black / s

Title: Last Name T-Shirt Collection Description: Looking for a personalized way to showcase your family pride or make a fashion statement? Look no further than our Last Name T-Shirt Collection! With a variety of products to choose from, including mugs, t-shirts, hoodies, and more, you're sure to find the perfect item for yourself or as a thoughtful gift. Our Last Name T-Shirt Collection allows you to customize the text with your family name, making it a truly unique and special piece. Whether you're planning a family reunion, celebrating a milestone birthday, or simply want to show off your family bond, these custom name shirts are the ideal choice. Crafted with love and creativity, our collection offers a range of sizes and colors to suit your style. You can even add a personal message or quote to make it even more meaningful. Imagine the joy and unity that comes from everyone wearing these shirts with your family name prominently displayed. Not only are these name shirts perfect for family events, but they also make thoughtful and one-of-a-kind gifts for your loved ones. Show them how much you care by giving them a shirt that celebrates their most important word - their name. So why wait? Express yourself and create lasting memories with our Last Name T-Shirt Collection. Start customizing your favorite items today and let your name shine!
Preshrunk t-shirt in 100% cotton, except:
- Sport Grey: 90% US Cotton / 10% Polyester
- Dark Heather: 50% US Cotton / 50% Polyester or 35% US Cotton / 65% Polyester
- Ash: 99% US Cotton / 1% Polyester
Seamless twin needle 7/8" collar.
Taped neck and shoulders. Rolled forward shoulders for better fit.
Twin needle sleeve and bottom hems. Quarter-turned to eliminate centre crease.
Care Instruction:
- Machine wash at max. 30ÂēC/86ÂēF with short spin cycle, inside out with like colors
- Do not use bleach
- Do not iron
- Do not dry clean
- Do not tumble dry
Koha e prodhimit:
- Veshje tÃĢ shtypura (shtypje normale/ pjesore): 3-5 ditÃĢ pune
- Speciale pÃĢr shtypjen e kanavacÃĢs/posterit: 5-7 ditÃĢ pune
- Veshje dhe produkte me printim tÃĢ plotÃĢ (Full Prints): 7-10 ditÃĢ pune
Koha e dÃĢrgesÃĢs:
- Veshje tÃĢ shtypura (shtypje normale/ pjesore): 5-7 ditÃĢ pune
- Veshje dhe produkte me printim tÃĢ plotÃĢ (Full Prints): 11-14 ditÃĢ pune
- PorositÃĢ ndÃĢrkombÃĢtare mund tÃĢ kÃĢrkojnÃĢ mÃĢ shumÃĢ kohÃĢ: 1-2 javÃĢ.
ShÃĢnim: Koha e dÃĢrgesÃĢs mund tÃĢ marrÃĢ nga 21 deri nÃĢ 25 ditÃĢ pune, Ndjekja ÃĢshtÃĢ normale, mund tÃĢ ndodhÃĢ qÃĢ paketa juaj tÃĢ mos pÃĢrditÃĢsohet nÃĢ kohÃĢ, ndaj ju lutemi prisni me durim.
Shiko mÃĢ shumÃĢNdÃĢrsa duam qÃĢ çdo porosi tÃĢ jetÃĢ e pÃĢrkryer, ndodhin gabime herÃĢ pas here. Ne mund tÃĢ ofrojmÃĢ riprodhime dhe rimbursime pÃĢr porositÃĢ tuaja nÃĢse ka gabime nÃĢ porosi. NÃĢse po dÃĢrgoni njÃĢ kÃĢrkesÃĢ pÃĢr riprodhim ose rimbursim, ju lutemi pÃĢrfshini prova fotografike tÃĢ produktit tuaj nÃĢ porosinÃĢ tuaj.
Rastet kur mbulojmÃĢ koston e riprodhimit (riprodhime) ose rimbursimit:
- Ka njÃĢ problem prodhimi me produktin tuaj.
- Produkti nÃĢ porosinÃĢ tuaj ÃĢshtÃĢ i thyer ose i dÃĢmtuar gjatÃĢ transportit.
- Keni marrÃĢ produktin e gabuar nÃĢ porosinÃĢ tuaj.
- Porosia ÃĢshtÃĢ humbur gjatÃĢ transportit dhe adresa fillestare e dÃĢrgesÃĢs ishte e saktÃĢ.
- Porosia ÃĢshtÃĢ humbur gjatÃĢ transportit dhe koha e vÃĢrtetÃĢ e dÃĢrgesÃĢs kalon afatin e pÃĢrgjithshÃĢm tÃĢ kohÃĢs pÃĢr dÃĢrgesat.
NÃĢse mallrat qÃĢ ju janÃĢ dorÃĢzuar pÃĢrfshihen nÃĢ ndonjÃĢ nga kriteret e mÃĢsipÃĢrme, ju lutemi ndiqni hapat e mÃĢposhtÃĢm pÃĢr tÃĢ bÃĢrÃĢ njÃĢ kÃĢrkesÃĢ nga shÃĢrbimi ynÃĢ ndaj klientÃĢve:
- Duhet tÃĢ paraqisni njÃĢ kÃĢrkesÃĢ pÃĢr kthimin brenda 14 ditÃĢ pune pas marrjes sÃĢ mallrave tuaja.
- Pas 14 ditÃĢ pune, Nuk do tÃĢ pranohet asnjÃĢ kthim. Gjithashtu, nÃĢse produktet kthehen para se tÃĢ dÃĢrgoni kÃĢrkesÃĢn tuaj, ato produkte humbasin.
- Ju lutemi vini re se klientÃĢt janÃĢ pÃĢrgjegjÃĢs pÃĢr etiketat e transportit tÃĢ kthimit. Ne do t'ju dÃĢrgojmÃĢ udhÃĢzimet pÃĢr kthim veçmas me email.
- Duhet tÃĢ paraqisni njÃĢ kÃĢrkesÃĢ pÃĢr kthimin brenda 14 ditÃĢ pune pas marrjes sÃĢ mallrave tuaja.
- Do tÃĢ marrÃĢ pÃĢrafÃĢrsisht 5-10 ditÃĢ pune pÃĢr tÃĢ procesuar rimbursimin tuaj.